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Tauche ein in eine Symbiose aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart! Mit Stadtbad RELOADED erwacht eines der beeindruckendsten Ausstellungsformate Berlins zum Leben – jetzt mit der neuen Installation “AMBILIGHT”. Diese faszinierende Lichtinstallation, bestehend aus 63.000 LEDs, [...]
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Berlin, 10997 Deutschland
Art der Einrichtung:
Beschreibung:MOMENTUM is a non-profit platform for time-based art, active worldwide since 2010, with headquarters in Berlin at the Kunstquartier Bethanien.
MOMENTUM’s program is composed of local and international Exhibitions, Artist and Curator Residencies, Video Art in Public Space Initiatives, a Performance Program and Archive, an Education Initiative and Archive, and a growing Collection.
By enabling Exhibition, Discussion, Research, Creation, Collection, and Exchange, MOMENTUM is a platform which challenges the notion of time-based art in the context of both historical and technological development. Visual languages continue to evolve in concert with the technologies which drive them, and it is the role of visual artists to push the limits of these languages. As the world speeds up, and time itself seems to flow faster, MOMENTUM provides a program focused on the growing diversity and relevance of time-based practices, exploring how time-based art reflects the digitization of our societies and the resulting cultural change.
Story:Positioned as both a local and global platform, MOMENTUM serves as a bridge joining professional art communities, irrespective of institutional, national, and disciplinary borders. Working on a model of international partnerships and cooperations, MOMENTUM supports artists and artistic innovation, bringing to Berlin work by international artists that would not otherwise have been seen here, and ensuring an international audience for exceptional local artists. The key ideas driving MOMENTUM are: Cooperation, Exchange, Education, Innovation, and Inspiration. MOMENTUM continuously seeks innovative answers to the question ‘What is time-based art?’.
Having been founded by Dr. Rachel Rits-Volloch in Australia as a parallel event to the 17 Biennale of Sydney in May 2010, MOMENTUM moved to Berlin to a permanent space in the thriving Art Center Kunstquartier Bethanien in January 2011. Since its inception, MOMENTUM has presented over 60 Exhibitions showing the work of over 400 artists, as well as over 50 Education Events filmed and archived on the website, in addition to an ongoing program of Artistic Research Residencies which has so far hosted over 20 international artists, alongside a diversity of parallel programming. MOMENTUM is also proud to feature the works of 64 artists in the MOMENTUM Performance Archive and Collection.
MOMENTUM is directed by Dr. Rachel Rits-Volloch, with Co-Director Emilio Rapanà.
Fotografie, Musik, Performance, Skulptur
Australien, Berlin, Contemporary Art - Zeitgenössische Kunst, Deutschland, Digital Art
The MOMENTUM gallery in Berlin is located in an extraordinary building dating back to the 1840’s, which for over 40 years has been a dedicated arts center. We share the Kunstquartier Bethanien with other leading contemporary art initiatives such as Tokyo Wondersite, Kunstraum, international artist ateliers, art publications, theater companies, a dance company, a music school, an outdoor cinema, and a restaurant with a concert program. We coordinate our openings and share guest lists with the other established galleries in the building, for a combined guest list of nearly 20,000 people and art professionals.MOMENTUM | Berlin is an attractive 76 sq meter gallery space, with 4.5 meter high ceilings. The space adapts well to different kinds of installation, including both solo and group shows. Installation shots of previous exhibitions are included at the end of this document to give a sense of the possibilities the space offers.For technology and installation we work with Eidotech. Internationally recognized for their expertise in the field, they installed the German Pavilion at the last Venice Biennale, as well as numerous international biennales.The MOMENTUM | Berlin space is a versatile venue adapting equally well to focused solo exhibitions and larger group shows. In our first year of programming our exhibitions have featured a diversity of installations from a single projected work, to upwards of 50 works shown on a variety of media including projections, monitors, and digital slideshows. In formulating our installation layouts we maintain an innovative approach to the experience of time-based media, and strive to transcend traditional approaches to these practices. ÖffnungszeitenMontag geschlossenDienstag geschlossenMittwoch von 13:00 - 19:00 pm bis 13:00 - 19:00 pm UhrDonnerstag von 13:00 - 19:00 pm bis 13:00 - 19:00 pm UhrFreitag von 13:00 - 19:00 pm bis 13:00 - 19:00 pm UhrSamstag von 13:00 - 19:00 pm bis 13:00 - 19:00 pm UhrSonntag von 13:00 - 19:00 pm bis 13:00 - 19:00 pm Uhr
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