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Migrant Bird Space & MO-Industries

+ Google Karte
5 Koppenplatz
Berlin, 10115 Deutschland

Art der Einrichtung:




MIGRANT BIRD SPACE & MO-INDUSTRIES: Gallery, Art Consultancy & Project Space

MIGRANT BIRD SPACE is a contemporary art project based in Berlin and Beijing, providing a showcase for artists and services in the cultural industries. Working out of the gallery space at No.5 Koppenplatz in the heart of Berlin, the project aims to offer a professional platform for cross-cultural communication between China and Europe with a focus on young contemporary Chinese art and design.

In 2018 Migrant Birds joins forces with MO-INDUSTRIES, a pop-up gallery and art agency with team-members based in Singapore, Shanghai, Doha, Frankfurt and Berlin. Committed to introducing exciting young artists and contemporary art from Asia to the West and vice versa, MO sheds light on cultural traits and peculiarities. MO continues to work on enlarging its global footprint, creating exhibitions with a main focus – thus far – on conceptual art, new media art and photography.

Together, Migrant Birds and MO will be realising a range of exhibitions focusing on young Chinese conceptual art.

Assemblage, Concept Art, Malerei, Papierarbeiten, Performance

20. Jahrhundert, Abstrakte Kunst, Asien, Contemporary Art - Zeitgenössische Kunst

Ruohan Wang, Silin Liu, Xia Peng

Angaben zur Lage:
Berlin-Mitte, Public Transport: U8 + Tram M1/M8 + Bus 142 Rosenthaler Platz

Montag von 13 bis 18 Uhr
Dienstag von 13 bis 18 Uhr
Mittwoch von 13 bis 18 Uhr
Donnerstag von 13 bis 18 Uhr
Freitag von 13 bis 18 Uhr
Samstag von 13 bis 18 Uhr
Sonntag geschlossen
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