Contract of Fiction: Kunstvisionen von Basquiat & Diez in der P61 Gallery

Contract of Fiction: Kunstvisionen von Basquiat & Diez in der P61 Gallery

Die P61 Gallery präsentiert die faszinierende Ausstellung „Contract of Fiction“ – ein Projekt, das von der ikonischen Kreativität Jean-Michel Basquiats und Helmut C. Diez’ inspiriert wurde.

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Whose Street | Solo exhibition by Lukas Liese

9. März 2021 - 21. April 2021

Lukas Liese transforms the traditional white marble into a contemporary medium, mirroring historical moments and current societal events. The exhibition’s title originates from the context of protest, questioning the ownership of public spaces both digital and physical. Liese’s sculptures and installations oscillate between online ephemerality and the agelessness of stone, creating a constant tension within the works.

Due to corona restrictions, a maximum of three people are allowed to visit the gallery at the same time. You are welcome to stop by spontaneously or make an appointment in advance via E-Mail at

Photo by Andreas Baudisch


9. März 2021
21. April 2021
Eintritt: -


Galerie Mazzoli
Eberswalder Str. 30
Berlin, 10437
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Veröffentlicht am: 11.03.2021 |

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