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Tauche ein in eine Symbiose aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart! Mit Stadtbad RELOADED erwacht eines der beeindruckendsten Ausstellungsformate Berlins zum Leben – jetzt mit der neuen Installation “AMBILIGHT”. Diese faszinierende Lichtinstallation, bestehend aus 63.000 LEDs, [...]

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Vadim Zakharov – George Orwell / 7 Dictators / Duchamp prostate curated by Chiara Valci Mazzara

10. September 2021 - 7. Januar 2022

The solo show of Vadim Zakharov at Kang Contemporary presents a newly conceived body of works by the renowned Moscow Conceptual artist (Russian Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale, 2013).

The exhibition “Vadim Zakharov – George Orwell / 7 Dictators / Duchamp prostate’’ displays selected pieces belonging to three new series together with renowned works. The pieces are linked by the main concept of the act of overlaying images, words, quotes and symbols, the semantics and the signifiers: those constructing a show in which the artistic process together with some of the most important topics addressed by Zakharov are presented to the public through an attentive and cohesive installation. For the first time displaying a selection of works on paper, multi layered offset prints and gold leaf as well as three dimensional works.

A series in which quotes from ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell are tweaked and actualised to our times – mirroring the present social and political Zeitgeist,- a series in which the artist playfully acts on the meta meaning of well known artists names and works (such as Marcel Duchamp) and pieces created through the graphic manipulation of french slogans of the 68’ will be shown in the gallery spaces, introducing a new production of Vadim Zakharov.

The body of works of one of the most representative artist of our times stands as a unique selection which constitutes a new season in the frame of the production of Vadim Zakharov and a unique opportunity to observe how his work develops from large scale installations, performance and theatre pieces into artworks which enclose the wide, complex and multifaceted system of references, concepts and meta signifiers characterising the artist’s creative process.

The video documentation of the performances of Zakharov will be displayed on the large glass window on the outside part of the gallery inviting the public to an all embracing experience.


10. September 2021
7. Januar 2022
Eintritt: -


Kang Contemporary
Lindenstraße 90
Berlin, 10969 Deutschland
+ Google Karte

Veröffentlicht am: 26.08.2021 |

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