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- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
8. Dezember 2017 - 23. Dezember 2017
To mark the end of 2017 – and the Australia Now year of friendship between Australia and Germany – MOMENTUM holds two concurrent shows with an all-Australian line-up, taking us back to our Australian roots (MOMENTUM having been founded in Sydney before moving to Berlin in 2011).
The parallel exhibition DOWN UNDER, is a follow-up to MOMENTUM’s recent exhibition for the UN Climate Conference, COP23, Landscapes of Loss. DOWN UNDER brings together three Australian artists from the MOMENTUM Collection – Janet Laurence, Kate McMillan, and Shonah Trescott – all of whom engage in their practice with the footprints, large and small, which humankind leaves upon our planet; both through mankind’s role in relation to the environment, and through the construction and re-construction of memory, and how this impacts upon our perceptions of past and future. How reliable is memory when the act of re-membering itself is prone to so many reconstructions of the past? How can we foresee the future, when we can’t even agree on a past? How different is our perspective on both our internal and external landscapes when viewed by artists from the other hemisphere?